Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The 777 Writing Challenge

I have been tagged by Hannah Williams in the 777 Writing Challenge. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and it is so fun! The Rules are: The 777 challenge requires you go to Page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to Line 7 and share the next 7 lines in a blog post. Once you have done this, you can tag 7 other bloggers to do the same with their work-in-progress.

I am going to share from Wither, as this is the current work-in-progress consuming all of my time, and the required lines are too perfect not to share:

"But there was no one left to speak against me. For years, I had labored in silence—agonized in silence—nurtured only by the memory of counsel. But, like my roses, memories only last for so long before they shrivel and fade. And my roses were withering away. Soon, I feared that I too would be nothing more than a long-forgotten memory. I shifted, stricken with guilt, as I remembered the horror on Merchant Haverly’s face when I told him the tribute I demanded. He had been ready to pay for his blundering mistake, but he had not thought even me, a monster, capable of such monstrosity."

I nominate the other Five Enchanted Roses authors: Jenelle Schmidt, Dorian Tsukioka, Hayden Wand and Kaycee Browning. I also nominate Olivia K. Fisher, Joy C., and Sarah Bailey. 


  1. Ahhh! Summer can't come fast enough! (But it needs to take its time, seriously, my fingers are about to fall off).

    My excerpt isn't quite as perfect, but it's fun. I'll post it next Monday!

    1. I know. It will be so nice to have a finished book in our hands and know that all the editing is behind us. I can't wait to read all the stories!

  2. Replies
    1. Lol, thank you, Hannah. I laughed out loud when I saw what passage the 777 landed on.

  3. What an intriguing excerpt. I like that it seems to be from the "beast's" POV. Best wishes with your rewrites. Am praying for all you writers. God bless.

    1. Thanks, Meredith, you are so very kind. I know all of us are coveting prayer right now. It is fun but nerve wrecking, too. And, yes, my story is told from an alternating POV so the Beast gets his fair share of the spotlight. ;)

  4. Oh my word... I want to read the whole story so bad! *waits patiently/impatiently*

    1. Haha, that is how I feel about the other stories in the collection.

  5. What a brilliant excerpt! That passage is perfect. I don't even know the character, yet I can still feel the emotion in his thoughts. ^_^

    1. I literally laughed out loud when I counted down the lines. The selection could not have been better chosen for a teaser

  6. This excerpt was wonderful. I can't wait to read the whole thing!

    After the craziness of this week dies down, I'm definitely going to try to do this tag :)

    1. It sounds like this week has been crazy for everyone: especially you with your release party!!! So excited about your book. I love pirate stories.
